The next and ultimate installment in 'Batman: The Telltales sequence' is set to hit Xbox One, pc, and PS4 subsequent week on December 17. Episode 5: The city of light, has the leader of the babies of Arkham preparing to execute his final act to damage the Wayne family identify.
Enter the fractured pysche of Bruce Wayne in this darkish and violent new story from the award-successful creators of The walking dead – A Telltale video games series, and find the powerful and far-reaching consequences of your decisions as the dark Knight. As Batman, you'll come upon basic allies and adversaries, and as Bruce, you'll gain knowledge of the authentic meaning of what it ability to be the man in the back of the cowl. Batman – The Telltale sequence comes to retail as a Season flow Disc, which comprises Episode One, and can provide access to the closing four episodes within the season as they develop into purchasable to download.
that you could grab the entire collection here for only $24.ninety nine.
Developer: Telltale games